Saung Saung

⁙ Shahadah ⁙ ~ #OetjiK

..there are flowing on the cheeks are flushed..
..releasing all the feeling alone and sad..
..blow away all the tightness in the chest..
..remove all toxins in the recesses of the heart..

..emptying all bad thoughts in the mind..

..touching the pure and sacred spaces of Divine..
..uttering the two sentences of Shahadah..
..lā ʾilāha ʾillà l-Lāh, Muḥammadun rasūlu l-Lāh..
..there is no god worthy of worship except God,
and Muhammad is His messenger..
..reach the peace of life with working, praying and be patient..
..because Allah always with us..

..ada yang mengalir di pipi yang memerah..

..melunturkan perasaan sendiri dan sedih..
..menghembuskan sesak di dalam dada..
..mengeluarkan racun-racun di relung hati..
..mengosongkan pikiran buruk dalam pikiran..

..menyentuh landasan Illahiah yang suci..
..mengucapkan dua kalimat shahadah..
..lā ʾilāha ʾillà l-Lāh, Muḥammad rasūlu l-Lāh..
..tidak ada Tuhan selain Allah dan Nabi Muhammad rasul Allah..
..mencapai ketenangan hidup dengan bekerja, berdoa dan bersabar..
..karena Allah selalu bersama hamba-hamba-Nya..