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⁙ Happiness ⁙ ~ #OetjiK #Quote

..happiness felt when taqwa with a sincere to Allah..

Happiness is attained by three things : being patient when tested, being thankful when receiving a blessing, and being repentant upon sinning
~ Imam Ibn al-Qayyim (rahimahullah) (Al-Wabil as-Sayyib)

Kebahagiaan bisa dicapai dengan tiga hal, yaitu : bersabar ketika diuji, bersyukur saat mendapatkan berkah, dan bertobat atas dosa-dosa. ~ Imam Ibn al-Qayyim (rahimahullah)

(Al-Wabil as-Sayyib)

We all collect treasure to get happiness, we build castles to foster harmony in the soul, we made a trip to forget sadness, we pursue every path, and we spend everything that is in our hands to be able to enjoy it with happiness, but does this all is happiness?

The people before us had many knocking on the door, they all try, but all agree that;

There is happiness in obedience to Allah, and closer to Him, in the land that is full of happiness (HEAVEN); there is no suffering in it and the pleasure that will never be extinct.

Quoted from "Ad-Dun-yaa Zhillun Zaa-il", Shaykh ' Abd al-Malik ibn Muhammad Al-Qosim
Edition translations; Artificial Pleasure World, Reader Al-Inabah