Saung Saung

⁙ Prayer for My Parent ⁙ ~ #OetjiK

Ya Allah.., make soft my voice for them,
Ya Allah.., make lovely my words for them,
Ya Allah.., make soft my attitude for them,
Ya Allah.., make tender my heart for them.

Ya Allah.., please give them the best replies because teach me with patient,
Ya Allah.., please give them the best reward for all love which already they bestowed me,
Ya Allah.., take good care them such as they caring me for my lifetime.

Ya Allah.., anything annoyance that they feel,
or trouble that they suffered because of me,
or missing something their right because I has doing wrong,
Make all their misery to be the cause to fallen its all their sins,
raise their dignity, and increasing their reward kindness as with Allah's will,
Ya Allah.., I beg to You because only Thou art alone who entitled to reply the evil with the double fold of goodness

Ya Allah, when magfirat of Thy have reached them before me,
please, let them give intercession for me.
But if magfirat of Thy have reaching me before them,
then, please, let me grant intercession for them,
and then, we all come together within Majesty of Thy,
in place of residence of Thy that shady with the glory of Thy, forgiveness of Thy and mercy of Thy.

Verily, Thou art who have the gift from Allah Almighty as well as boon of infinite 
and Thou art are Allah the Most Gracious and Most Compassionate in between all that merciful and from all creatures that You created

Note : Maghfirat become clear i.e. : protection form the inevitable harmful consequences of violating Allah’s Laws or Commands

Do'a untuk kedua Orang Tuaku 

Ya Allah, rendahkanlah suaraku bagi beliau, 
Perindahlah ucapanku di depan beliau.
Lunakkanlah watakku pada beliau dan 
Lembutkanlah hatiku untuk beliau.

Ya Allah, berikanlah pada beliau balasan yang sebaik-baik balasan
atas pendidikan yang beliau ajarkan padaku dan Pahala yang besar 
serta kasih sayang seperti yang pernah beliau limpahkan padaku, 

Peliharalah beliau sebagaimana beliau telah memeliharaku.

Ya Allah, apa saja gangguan yang beliau rasakan,
atau kesusahan yang beliau derita karena kata-kataku,
atau hilangnya hak-hak beliau karena perbuatanku,
jadikanlah itu semua penyebab rontoknya dosa-dosa beliau,
naikkanlah kedudukan beliau dan tambahkanlah pahala kebaikan untuk beliau
dengan perkenan-Mu, ya Allah
sebab hanya Engkaulah yang berhak membalas kejahatan dengan kebaikan berlipat ganda.

Ya Allah, bila magfirah-Mu telah mencapai beliau sebelumku,
izinkanlah beliau memberikan syafa'atnya untukku.
Tetapi jika magfirah-Mu lebih dahulu mencapai diriku,
maka izinkanlah aku dapat memberi syafa'at untuk beliau,
sehingga kami semua berkumpul bersama dalam perlindungan-Mu
di kediaman-Mu yang dinaungi oleh kemulian-Mu, ampunan-Mu serta rahmat-Mu.

Sesungguhnya Engkaulah Pemilik Karunia Yang Maha Agung,
serta anugerah yang tiada batas
dan Engkaulah Yang Maha Pengasih di antara Maha Pengasih.