Saung Saung

Advice For Men ~ #OetjiK

  • The culmination of the anger of a woman is silent, because she felt his voice was no longer heard by, so better she silent and do of letting.
  • It is more painfully silenced by the women we love than she was nag, because when women is still nag, it signified she still cares for us and make us better in life that more thoughtful.
  • Women may not nag if we are able to provide the needs of born-inner, so similar to traffic signs, when women nag then it has a yellow light that we soon must passed the trap of laziness red light, whereas green light to lead towards successful.
  • Do not interpret the complaints of women as like as bad luck, that's the best gift given by Allah as a man's nature awareness efforts as a priests in households that should be one level higher in terms of stability mindset and patience.
  • Be happy because there is a woman who are always faithful beside you, that is still providing his voice to admonish you when in need, that is what you want with her while selecting a companion of life that is mutually enhance life.
  • Believe it, a woman as a wife want her husband as her priest continues to grow in all things, because she did not want to go beyond over her priest within her household, so when she saw there is a shortage for in her husband, she felt the need to take the policy as a reminder before his failure.
  • Therefore, to the men whose became the husband, let's think adults that we are not only responsible for directing women to be better, but the women also have the right to encourage herself with its own way and not infrequently through a fussiness, so that men feel slapped in his pride, for then more focus arrange future.

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