Saung Saung

~Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh~

⁙ INNER BEAUTY ⁙ ~ #OetjiK

..have a heart that never hates..
..a smile that never fades.. honesty that never stops..
..a touch that never hurt..
..and..a heart of forgiving..

⁙ WHEN YOU LOVE... ⁙ ~ #KahlilGibran

When you love, you should not say, "God is in my heart," but rather, "I am in the heart of God."
And think not you can direct the course of love. For love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course. 
~ #KahlilGibran

Kumpulan Tweet Salim A Fillah : #AshabulKahfi

Mari Jumat ini mendaras kembali Surat Al Kahfi; mengambil ruh #AshabulKahfi, untuk kemudaan jiwa menghadapi zaman yang cepat berganti :
  • Para pemuda selalu mempesona. Lihatlah mereka: bahkan tidurnya pun membawakan perubahan, apalagi jika mereka terjaga. #AshabulKahfi

⁙ Life ⁙ ~ #OetjiK #Quote #Life is not always friendly to us, but we can enjoy life in positive manner, pray, strive and grateful.. ~ #OetjiK

⁙ Waiting with Patience ⁙ #OetjiK #Quote #Patience

..waiting is one part of patience, -waiting does not mean silent, quiet and idle- waiting is move on with physical, heart and mind.. ~ #OetjiK
