Saung Saung

~Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh~

⁙ Happiness ⁙ ~ #OetjiK #Quote

..happiness felt when taqwa with a sincere to Allah..

Happiness is attained by three things : being patient when tested, being thankful when receiving a blessing, and being repentant upon sinning
~ Imam Ibn al-Qayyim (rahimahullah) (Al-Wabil as-Sayyib)

⁙ Life is like a Paint ⁙ ~ #NanaGMulyana #Poet is like a paint that can be mixed with other colors and can be changed but it can not be restored to its color before.. ~ #NanaGMulyana #Artist #Poet

..hidup itu seperti cat yang bisa dicampur warna-warna lain dan bisa diubah-ubah, namun tidak bisa dikembalikan lagi seperti semula.. ~ #NanaGMulyana #Sastrawan


Do not understand with the nature of man, makes a woman unconsciously and out of control of herself that will hurt and injuring a man, especially with her words.

Do not understand with the wishes of woman, make a man do not realize that he is always ignoring her and not listening to the woman's wishes.

Mend the communication with trying to improve the quality of relationships.

Tidak mengerti dengan sifat pria, membuat wanita tidak sadar dan keluar dari kontrol dirinya yang akan menyakiti dan melukai pria, terutama dengan kata-katanya.

Tidak mengerti dengan keinginan wanita, membuat pria tidak menyadari bahwa dia selalu mengabaikan dan tidak mendengarkan keinginan wanita.

Berusahalah selalu memperbaiki komunikasi antara pria dan wanita dengan berusaha untuk meningkatkan kualitas hubungan

⁙ INNER BEAUTY ⁙ ~ #OetjiK

..have a heart that never hates..
..a smile that never fades.. honesty that never stops..
..a touch that never hurt..
..and..a heart of forgiving..

⁙ WHEN YOU LOVE... ⁙ ~ #KahlilGibran

When you love, you should not say, "God is in my heart," but rather, "I am in the heart of God."
And think not you can direct the course of love. For love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course. 
~ #KahlilGibran
