Saung Saung

~Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh~

⁙ Kumpulan Tweet Salim A. Fillah : #Istiqamah ⁙ ~ #OetjiK

  • "Maka istiqamahlah sebagaimana kau diperintahkan; dan orang yang bertaubat bersamamu, serta janganlah kalian melampaui batas.." {QS11:112}
  • "Maka istiqamahlah sebagaimana kau diperintahkan"; meniti jalan lurus, mengikut cahaya terang, menggelayuti bimbing suci, memesrai Ilahi,
  • "Maka istiqamahlah sebagaimana kau diperintahkan"; berdzikir dan janganlah lalai, bersyukur dan janganlah kufur, bertaat dan jangan maksiat,

⁙ Kutipan-Kutipan tentang : #Friendship ⁙ ~ #OetjiK #Quote

..Friendship = Persahabatan..

  • ..dalam manisnya persahabatan lepaskanlah tawa dan saling berbagi kesenangan; ibarat dalam tiap tetesan embun akan kamu dapati sebentuk hati bertemu cerahnya pagi dan yang bisa menyegarkan udara kembali.. ~ #KhalilGibran
  • ..wanita merupakan teman berpikir yang baik bagi lelaki. Dia telah menjadikan aku sebagai lelaki seutuhnya. Wanita-lah yang mengumpulkan bagian-bagian dari diriku yang telah berserakan dan dia mengembalikannya padaku dalam semua urutan dan bentuk yang baik. Dan sebaiknya kamu tahu, bahwa saat kamu mendapatkan wanita itu, dia-lah yang terbaik yaitu teman dari pikiranmu.. ~ #ToniMorrison

⁙ My Plead ⁙ ~ #OetjiK

O Allah, I want to....
Loving Thy, more than anything in this world,
Loving Thy, beyond my love of my family and my husband later,
Loving Thy religion, beyond pleasure will treasure, as much as anything it,
Loving Thy provisions, beyond the pleasure worldly pleasures, give as much pleasure whatsoever it

⁙ Quote Of Love ⁙ ~ #OetjiK

..if there is love in the hearts, why should there anger in attitude, it could be assertive.. ~ #OetjiK

..jika ada cinta di hati, mengapa harus ada sikap marah, mungkin bersikap tegas.. ~ #OetjiK

When People That Love You, Deciding To Go And Leaving You....

If the person who loves you decide to leave you, and you know his departure for others..

Be thankful .. because it will come other people who love bigger than his former love and decided to leave you..

Be sincere .. because even though he was well in front but he's not necessarily the best for you..

Be patient ... because perfect from that perfected will be presented to you, the person who was meant for you..

Please stop crying .. because do you know whilst you weep for him..? He was in the hugs the person that he chose to be her best man, and your real tears are not for the right person, so your tears fell in vain, isn't..?

Keep the spirit and passion in you life ... looking forward to him which is good not only in front but also good in the presence of Allah Azza wa Jalla, the person who will build ruins of your heart with the love and that only death will separates him .. Insha Allah..
